How To Learn Using Structured Data Markup
This part of the course maybe the geeky list when it's really not hugely complicated will be looking is structured data markup away ad code web pages in order to tell search engines what some of the information is.
You can tel the search engines that piece of information is a recipe your products for instance and this part the information name and that part of the information is the price and the here's is review so on.
I be explain why you might want to do this if you have rich snippets well structured data markup site create them the markup can use the other purposes as you learn.
All also show you how the system is broken into two pieces the wineries and hundreds of different classes will types describing different kinds of things on the one hand and coding on tagging systems used in bet this information and your web pages on the other. All also explain how to select the right tagging system and show you the tools and you can use to help make the process smooth run.
How Structured Data Markup Can Boost Your Pages:
Structured data markup is a form of coding embedded into HTML that can be used to tell search engines what particular components on the webpage actually all. HTML tells a web browser how to display web page the typeface and front sight to use the tax treatment bold italic underlined and so on.
When place images how much space around things it tells browsers and what to do with the content on the page but not what the content actually these.
Structured data markup the tells search engines what the content is. For example, look this image google search result notice the extra line about the snippet with the stars and rating this is known as a write snippet search results snippet that has additional extended information you've probably seen these thing spread around here and there in the search results.
when these come from how does google a tree this day to know which to review a this from Bing how does Bing retrieved this recipe information at the top of the results page well let's take a look at the source code from one of those restaurant listings.
Is the page the listing points to and use the underlying source code for this listing notice that I have the word heightened highlighted in yellow these items scope item prop tonight and type entries of the structured data markup this form is what's known as micro data on discuss the different forms of markup in the next lesson.
<div itemscope itemtype="">
Let’s Look few of these things item scope in effect into juice is the information it simply says the code is going to include micro data item type describes what kind of data and points to the webpage on schema .org provides the details. In this case it's data about a local business of Course.
This is the schema .org page with the local business item type is fully described will be looking a schema .org later.
<span itemprop="name" class="Place Business Name">Famous Pizza</span>
Ok get back to the code this piece of code is the name of the local business in this case famous pizza this piece of text famous pizza actually appears in the webpage the visitor sees this text to tags around the text I use to format the text and the item prop attribute is telling the search engines what the text is that is a name.
We have more properties in this code you can see a telephone number and then we have another item scope and type introducing another postal address within that data type we have street address the press locality the city and address the region and the state and the postal code zip code.
So where is the review information we saw in the search results come from well load down the page we see this code this item type is an aggregate rating which is described on the reference page ask the average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews will also see a rating value 100 and rating count which is the number of people rate the business.
Remember this listing in the search results showed a 100% score from five votes five people.
So this is a simple illustration of how some basic coding can pass information on to the search engines anyone capable working with HTML should be able to insert micro data code is pretty easy stuff however the tools to help you which will look at and later lessons.
Both google and Bing read structured data markup and use it in various ways for range of different types of information each when users of the different things with much of a lack of course and less will probably grow so you want to see the google and Bing information related to what they use and how they use it.
These URLs that age of the google Bing structured data markup pages where you can find more information remember if you find broken links in any of these lessons please do let me know a fix them.
Google uses this stuff to create disorder right snippets the sore idea but it also allows you to submit data to knowledge graphs you can tell google where to find a company logo for instance and provide telephone numbers will look at this and later lessons.
It also allows you to create actions in the search results pass and a menu to stream musical video from within the search results.
And google so click reviews such as movie in event reviews and bundles and together in the search results.
Use Markup if:
- You Have an Ecommerce Site – Tag Your Products
- You Have Info on Events – Tag the Events
- Your Site has Reviews – Tag the Reviews, & Aggregate Review Info
- Your Site Contains Breadcrumb Navigation
So many sites could be using structured data markup if you have any, ecommerce site you want a tag your products if you have a site that contains any kind of view or events they should be tagged software publishers need to use structured data markup any site that contains articles should be using it. And in effect is a good idea to tag navigation bread crumbs as both google and Bing say they read them.
Does structured data markup help with your search results rankings sometimes yes sometimes no clearly a must help with recipes in Bing after all if you're using you can't end up here in the recipe bar the top.
In other cases, it's unclear whether the markup helps push sites up in the results in the rest of the views is quite likely that it doesn't but those stars help the item stand out of the results so they may increase click through from the results page.
So now you know the basic idea behind structured data markup you need to understand the different ways to do it we look to micro data format with the others some of the next lesson to learn about your options.
Links from How Structured Data Markup Can Boost Your Pages:
Google Structured Data markup Page:
Bing Structured Data Markup Page:
Picking a Markup Format:
You see why you should use structured data markup know you need to know how infect there's several different ways and total pages to need to pick the right message that they write purpose.
There are really two different things you need to be aware of the structured data markup but can the Larry and properties and that coding message into which an embed these properties. So will begin a schema .org way you can find all the properties used for various different purposes.
This schema .org vocabulary comprises a hierarchy of hundreds of different types or classes each one designed for different type of data bug is objects like products businesses books and articles and so on but even for actions such as creating things creating movies creating photographs creating drawings and for moving arriving leaving traveling because we don't really care about most of these from SEO perspective will we care about are the things that the search engines care about products events music and so on which a talk about in the previous lesson.
So let's take a look at the properties from product as it is seeing their various different properties you can use to define the information in a web pages now as a lucky as scores of different properties several dozen different things but again we don't really care about mobile ready care about the ones the search engines care about.
Here for instance is google information about the product tags google explains exactly which properties in raids so there's the properties and you have to get the properties until pages and the several ways to do that.
First as the Micro data formats the system we looked at in
the previous lesson is an example again from the google product page.
and this one is the jay some -LD method which is actually google spiff up method for something so get to that moment this method in bets of block of JavaScript into the web page is set up properties names into HTML tags it's separate from the HTML and visible text which has some advantages.
And this one is the idea for any format another system the ads attributes to HTML tag.
So which method to use well google prefers JSON LD however it does a support JSON LD for everything right now it supported for the knowledge graph and Site Links which will look at and later lessons and for events and probably bread crumbs its documentation is contradictory and bread crumbs right now but for nothing else not the products recipes and so on.
As for bidding it currently doesn't use JSON LD but accepts micro data on the RDFa and something called micro format you notice that they also work to Facebook open graph tagging which is a way to tag a page in order to pass information to Facebook when the pages been called in to Facebook posts that that some advance subject on going to here.
- Knowledge Graph & Site links = JSON-LD
- Events = JSON-LD & Microdata (Perhaps)
- The Rest = Microdata
So which to use well for the knowledge graph and Site Links you should probably use JSON LD these google elements anyway so Bing is going to care either way the search engines work with events and bread crumbs so you might consider using both like a date and JSON LD be for the same so google probably still read the migrant data if you choose not to use JSON LD of everything else you should use micro data about least one another like a format coding message that the Bing says it uses well google has in the past reads it and present it doesn't mention it in the documentation so when you it.
Coding structured data markup is an advance subject many combinations were not in this kind detail this plan is specific information on the page is for which are provided URLs and final detail you need that when you're ready, and pages there are however the few tools that can assist you which a look at in the lesson.
Links from Picking a Markup Format:
Using Markup Tools:
There are a few tools you can use to help you are creating and testing markup.
For example, this is a simple free editor that allows you to select a type person product event organization movie book will review into the information and then get micro data formatted markup by the typing a date of the editing creates the basic HTML code for you and adds the like the Data Properties are on the right you can see both what then to techs will look like before you write your own formatting of course and a box containing the code you can then copy this code in to the webpages.
There are various other markup tools available for various purposes the company that created this tool Raven also provides a free WordPress plug into creating markup directly with the WordPress.
Google provide a more sophisticated tool you might play with you begin my selecting the type of data you need and then you can either drop the HTML into a box or simply enter URL and google retrieve it for you.
Than simply highlight the fields on the page name the product the prize the description the images so on and each time the menu pops up for which will select the data type then click the create HTML button and google provide you with code.
Google also provides a test tool you can paste your code into the tool org and enter URL and google will go retrieve the HTML click validate and google provide you with a quick report tell you what's working and what isn't these two google systems also available from within yours google webmaster account you can see and later lessons in the other resources section of the webmaster account.
The webmaster account also has a structured data dashboard which you can find in the search appearance menu this tool shows you what google has learned about your site based on the structured data you have in the site.
So this help you help them and you can find more specialized tools terms such as data markup tools and you'll earn triple Bing as a markup alligator’s webmaster account to so spend a little time searching and you'll probably find what you need these examples is not enough.
Links from Using Markup Tools:
Schema Creator
Wordpress Plugin Directory Schema Creator
Google Structured Data Markup Helper
Google Structured Data markup Testing Tool
Customizing Your Google Search Result with Markup:
Google provides several special uses for structured data markup beyond merely creating rich snippets you expand its search results snippets contain for instance stars and product ratings.
In this lesson will take a quick look at how use markup to submit information to the knowledge graph how to add search box your search results? and how to replace the URL in your search results the name and bread crumbs.
The knowledge graph as a box containing information about something type a food, musician, location, company and so on. well and google provides a way to submit data to it by structured data markup about you or your company.
Submit to Google:
- Logo
- Contact Phone Numbers
- Social Profile Links
You can't make google create a knowledge graph for using this method but if you do already have the knowledge graph appearing feel your business you can tell google where confined your logo of content numbers and social profile links. Creating a knowledge graph books and the first place is a subject that I'm a post the lesson on sometime in the future it's not a simple thing.
As I explain in an early lesson and google prefers that you use JSON LD markup for the knowledge graph data so you essentially place this code within script tags someone your HTML. This example tells google where define your company logo.
You can also submit a variety of different phone numbers customs Service Text support sales reservations and so on google except a dozen or so of different types of numbers which are formatted like this.
As the social profile links they look like this and you can provide data for about 10 different social networks including my space, LinkedIn, Pinterest and sound cloud.
Is the code you would use it and put multiple social networks into a single script so that's the knowledge graph.
Now what about a putting search box until google search results you probably seen this before the company has multiple links in the search results these links a courtside links and you have little control over them through the google webmaster account which a learn about later in the course. if google it does display site links for you in any does so when the shoulder the search is trying to find your site such as when the searcher uses your company name.
and how you get google to add that search box above the site links well you do use in this process.
First set up the google custom search service which you can find this URL this is a free service with $100 a year upgrade if you want it you can use the system to create a search engine fuel website in just a minute or two google will then provide you with a script to embed the search engine into a page on your site.
You than enter the peace of markup into a home page essentially turning on the search box above your Site Links simple.
Finally replacing your URL and the search results with your company name and the bread crumb like this now use this area will contain the URL of the page been links to them in this example as the name of a website the guardian followed by a break from showing the hierarchical position of the page within the site.
Now the bread crumbs to be created and several different ways is how I can be done using micro data.
and now adding the name of the sites the beginning of the bread crumb this can be done with a simple little bit of code like this.
Idea of confession to make a fake name of the beginning of a bright, young example the problem is it doesn't seem to be working right now you may google is still saying it does function and see a work release a couple of months of seeming know this is temporary and as adding the main code case just a few seconds you might want to still take time.
Anyway you define the details on always markup coding issues and others in google documentation here.
Links from Customizing Your Google Search Results with Markup:
Google Custom Search
Google Structured Data Page
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